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Green Hotel


Holiday Inn Resort Aruba is proud to be classified as a Green Hotel. Here are some of the ways that we work to protect our precious natural resources:

Water Conservation Programs

  • We offer a towel reuse program in our guestrooms
  • We offer a linen reuse program in our guestrooms
  • Low flow faucets are in our guestrooms
  • Low flow showerheads are in our guestrooms.
  • Our guestrooms are equipped with low flow toilets
  • Irrigation has weekly checks for broken heads/pipes

Energy Conservation Programs

  • Thermostats are monitored on a daily basis by department per planned use
  • Outdoor lighting is sensor-managed
  • We use high energy-efficient lighting (CFL )
  • Lights are turned off when meeting rooms are not in use

Waste Reduction

  • High efficiency air filters for HVAC
  • Recycling of kitchen grease
  • Use of refillable containers rather than single-use products
  • Clean Air Practices
  • We use only cleaning products that have earned the Green Seal
  • We clean all air handler units and coils at least annually and follow a preventative maintenance schedule

Holiday Inn Employees

  • Employee Green Awareness – suggestion box allows employee feedback
  • Recycle water.
  • Energy star rated computers.
  • Paperless night audit.
  • Variable frequency drive pumps. To safe energy for AC.
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